
Weaponize Chomsky - Time Destroys Everything (Album released 2023)

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Zack Hames

The Kansas City Jazz Orchestra - “This Christmas” (Single cover, album coming soon)

Recorded by Will Crain

Hammerhedd - Nonetheless (Album released 2023)

Studio engineering by Zack Hames

Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles - The Holy Trinity at Ephesus (Album released 2022)

Recorded, edited, mixed and mastered by Will Crain

The Creepy Jingles Feat. Miki P and the Swallowtails - “Decepticon Artist” (Single)

Production, recording, editing, mixing and mastering by Zack Hames

Eman Chalshotori and Melody Lee Stroth - Winterlude (Album released 2020)

Recorded, edited, mixed and mastered by Will Crain

Nick Stoppel - The Season of Light (Album)

  • Recording, editing, mixing, mastering

Christopher Burnett (Bbq+5) (ARC Record Label) - The Standards, Vol. 1 (Album)

  • Recording, editing, mixing, mastering

Recent Projects (Not Yet Released)

The Kansas City Jazz Orchestra

M2 Duo - Nicholas May (Soprano Saxophone) and Maya Tuylieva (Piano)

  • Album in progress - Remote location recording, editing, mixing, mastering

Kansas City Area Youth Jazz (ARC Record Label)

  • 2022 Fellows (Album) - Production, recording, editing, mixing, mastering

Camp Clover

  • “The Sun” (Single - in progress) - Production, recording

Kenny Gambler & The Wellmen

  • Album in progress - Production, recording, editing, mixing, mastering


  • “Heaven Can Wait,” “New Tones,” “Epilogue” (tracks included in upcoming album) - Recording


  • “Tip Toe” (Single - in progress) - Production, drum and guitar performance, recording, editing, mixing, mastering